Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Emotional Design

Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman. In his famous book Donald A. Norman talked about emotional design can be critical to the success of a product of the elements of a practical element. He argued that the product a good product would be more interesting and make people feel happy. Beautifully designed products that will attract people because of the beautiful products can make the better emotional. Yet in the early 1990s two Japanese researchers Masaaki Kurosu and Kaori Kashimura claimed just that. The Japanese found that the attractive are were perceived to be easier to use. Tractinsky was suspicious. Maybe the experiment had flaws. Or perhaps the results could be true of Japanese but certainly not of Israelis. Japanese culture is known for its aesthetics tradition but Israelis are action oriented because they don’t care about beauty.

In the early 1900's Herbert Read, who wrote several books on art and aesthetics that require a rather mystical theory of aesthetics to find any such relationship should be between beauty, functionality and belief is still common today. Emotions that we now know to change the way the human mind to solve problems. Changes in emotion system as cognitive system operates. Emotions are too many think is a problem that must be overcome by rational thought and think logically. Much research focuses on negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, fear and anger. Positive emotions are important in human life because the positive emotions that makes the person has a natural curiosity and creativity in doing research on the role of aesthetics in the design of interesting products that make people feel attracted to and interest in the rather something produk.ini also makes people feel good and make them creative and innovative in designing an attractive product. Interesting products can make a better emotional and people will be attracted to a product easily.

Man is the most complex of all animals that have the appropriate brain structure compleks.In the highest level of evolution of the human brain can think of the operation. This is reflecting the conscious thought of learning new concepts and generalizations about the pleasures of the world. Subsequent behavior is different from that provided serious or art that comes from the reflection and requires research and interpretation. Lack of focus will be more likely to be open to interference and to attend any new ideas or events. Positive attitude will affect the focus of things. Effects will occur on the design process itself. That the most complete design requires creative thinking and followed a relatively long period of time. Focus on creativity first case it is better for designers to loosen the mood. Good things are difficult to design things that need to accommodate both creative thinking and attention that should be taken. Norman asserts that emotion and cognition works in tandem with the user associated with the product. This shows that emotions can not be parted from the outside. Performance is paramount and so the designer must ensure that the product is easy to use and the functionality of the product is easy to

Conflicts between different levels of emotion that is normal in the design. The actual products provide a set through the conflict. A successful design with excellent performance at all levels is due to perform the function of the desired function. Ability to explain the facilities to make consumer products understand how it works and how to get to perform. Misleading description of products and the use of the product will cause negative emotions. Three stages can be mapped to product characteristics such as visceral design, behavioral design and reflective design..Product not reliable to satisfy everyone. The designer must know to whom the proposed product. In the world of design we tend to associate emotions with beauty. It is however important properties of this nature they are not what they bring people in their daily lives. Reflect emotional experiences and memories. Memories reflect the life experiences and reminded about the experiences and achievements. The concept appears to be human nature.

Visceral design is what nature does. We humans evolved to coexist in the environment of other humans, animals, plants, landscapes, weather, and other phenomena. The principles underlying visceral design are wired in, consistent across people and cultures. If you design according to these rules, your design will always be attractive, even if somewhat simple. Behavioral design is all about use. Appearance doesn’t really matter. This is the aspect of design that practitioners in the usability community focus upon. There are two kinds product development enhancement and innovation. Enhancement means to take some existing product or service and make it better. In summary, the central premise that a great product can be develop in all three aspects of innovative. The great product can attracted people to buy the product because many people like the good product. It is will make their emotion much better.

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education of Man

According Letters Upon The Aesthetic Education of Man, by J.C Friedrich Von Schiller (1759-1805)  is about beauty and art. It also about the charm and dignity of this undertaking. Happiness is not far from the moral nobility of human nature. The freedom of action set out a requirement of the obstacles. Improper use caused them to almost any sin. They are more willing to incur any such criticism of biased beliefs. On the following claims particularly on Kantian principles will not be deterred. The most important ideas in the practical Kant system but not agreed upon by the philosophers. As the facts of moral instinct wisdom has given to man to serve as a guide to give enlightenment intelligence maturity. Philosophers says that understanding begins by destroying the meaning of the object before it can allocate objects. Moral experience can also be used with greater truth beautiful manefestasi.
   In my opinion, philosophers says art is a better theme to find the code in the world aesthetics. The structure of real political freedom affects the art works of perfection. Art does not mean that at the time. Art to leave reality and increase the personal needs. Imagination corrupted by the spirit of philosophical inquiry and the narrow boundaries of art when enlarged the limits of science. Social and moral principles is an equal need should have in ourselves. Philosophers prefer the beauty and freedom. I think necessary art of our time even political solution to the problem to continue with aesthetics as they relate to the freedom and beauty.
   Philosophers says people who can not act for him not to be threated naturally.The fact that the shape of a man when he is not stationary even placed everywhere. As a perfect man can not be satisfied with the political situation and would be unfortunate if not satisfactory. When arrived at maturity he founded the state of nature in his ideas. The matter established by law and provided that the conditions to be described the ideal object is a goal that does not recognize the reality of nature. Working with the blind must be made to adapt. Slavery conditions should be changed to a moral freedom. Natural conditions can be used for each individual body politics and the situation in conflict with the moral nature of man. Natural conditions is quite adequate for the physical characteristics of humans give themselves laws to eliminate violence. Physical man is a man of moral reality and problems. Philosophers say that a moral society is being formed in the idea of ​​preventing its existence for the dignity of human moral. Props should be found to support independent of nature. human nature itself does not have a prop and contributing to the destruction of the preservation society. Physical character must be separated from moral freedom. Philosophers of the physical and moral state also will pave the way for the transition from the energy authority solely to the law.
    Philosopher of revolution states in accordance with the principles of morality can be free from the damaging effects and ensure durability. The establishment of a moral state, moral law depends on the actual power. The human condition will always remain contingent and exists as a physical absolute moral needs. Also indicated that although philosophers differ in form but humans have the same willingness and sufficient to have the universal law. Biased estimate of the moral point of view to eliminate differences due to the law is satisfied if there is no requirement. Education will always come down when the moral sense can only be maintained at the expense of nature. State is a own fashion organization and can be realized when the part was given to the whole idea. When bringing unity into physical society, not to injure manifold in nature. If a man is in conflict with the objectives and character of the people is oppression  former can give them the victory. The state will take a severe aspect of the law imposing a citizen so as not to fall victim. It will crush under the feet of the hostile individuality without compromise. The philosopher also expressed himself against the men can by means of two times even though it is a savage. His principles destroy his feelings when they are violent hate and recognize the nature of art as a despotic ruler. Male plants have a high friendship nature. Philosopher also noted the overall character must be found in those who are entitled to convert the need for freedom.
   Philosophers say that man has risen from a long lethargy and self-deception. Given the physical possibility to put the law on the throne as a tribute to the man at length. As a goal to make the basic right of freedom of political union. Male philosophers as well subjective states must respect the institution. Disclaimer characteristics in the legal field and feel the injustice in the moral at the same time against the notion. spirit of the time was seen hesitating between perversions and savagism rather between what an exceptional nature and superstition and moral unbelief. conclusion philosophers want to say about beauty, art, freedom, the soul of a man and moral leadership of society.